samedi 15 septembre 2012

music works for you


About MusicWorks

MusicWorks is a joint research initiative between PPL and PRS for Music to demonstrate the positive effects of music and the benefits it can bring to businesses.
There have been three major research studies investigating how music effects both consumer and employee behaviour. The first two studies were conducted by Entertainment Media Research in 2009 and 2010, with the third conducted by VisionCritical in 2012.
Under the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988, if recorded music is played in public (including workplaces or staff-only areas) then in most instances the business will be legally required to be licensed by both PPL and PRS for Music.
Both organisations license the use of music and collect royalties for the music industry, but represent different rights holders and have separate licences. PPL collects and distributes money for the use of recorded music on behalf of record companies and performers, while PRS for Music collects and distributes money for the use of the musical composition and lyrics on behalf of authors, songwriters, composers and publishers.

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